
2024 Next Event
13th October
14:00 - 16:00
Conversation Table
at Op-Weule

Who We Are

Japanese Culture
WA asbl vzw

Corona crises started in the beginning of 2020, rampaged around the world through the whole year and seems not yet reduce its violent power.
It caused fatal damages to human beings as victims and also to our society: huge number of dead and sufferers of the diseases, damage to our human relationship because of the prohibit of physical contact, of keeping distance and of the crack between generations. We were obliged to change our life style to appropriate these protection policies and maybe our view of life too.
Despite of these negative atmosphere, some volunteers have founded NPO Japanese Culture WA.

Conversation Table

Language is an important part of our culture. But Japanese language.... oh my god... it's so difficult to learn!

Even you learn the basics, it's also difficult to parctice in Belgium.

For those brave learners, we are happy to offer opportunities to speak in the relaxed atmosphere with native Japanese speakers as volunteers.

The focus is more on speaking and communicating than correcting mistakes all the time.

So, just relax and let the conversation flow.

You can make new friends around the table!

How to participate?

You can just come and join the table on the day of our activities.

If you don't want to miss any chance, it's highly recommended to subscribe to our mailing list. (bottom of this page)

Sometimes, our messages are directed to "junk mail box". Please save it from the bin and tell your mailing software that we are safe.

You are always welcome even if you don't know much about Japanese language. But a lot of passion is required to enjoy more!


"Kamishibai" (紙芝居/かみしばい) is a style of Japanese paper theatre.
The narrator shows picture panels and tell the stories to the audience of children.

Kamishibai Study Group in Belgium
organized by Japanese Culture WA

Method :
    - Perform the Kamishibai ( paper theatre ) in three languages : ( Japanese,  French and Dutch ).

Purposes :
    - Participants will improve the capacity of language and expression.
    - They will improve the communication capacity with spectators.
    - We will promote the Kamishibai’s culture to the public.
    - We will know more stories of foreign countries.






Pen Calligraphy


Pen Calligraphy

Calligraphy Atelier with a pen

You may speak well Japanese, but sometime you do not write correctly or do in wrong order?

It is a good occasion to check again your writing in Japanese. The basic writing knowledge is required.

Check the schedule for details.

Meet and Create together with Japanese people

Event Schedules

13 Oct
Minako Minako


Kamishibai Study Group 

NL : 10:00 - 10:30

FR : 10:30 - 11:30

ALL : 11:30 - 12:00

JP : 12:30 - 13:30


Please contact Minako by email if you wish to participate in the Kamishibai group.

10:00 AM - 13:30 PM Op-Weule : Rue Saint Lambert 95, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
13 Oct
Shigemi Shigemi

Pen Calligraphy

Calligraphy Atelier with a pen

You may speak well Japanese, but sometime you do not write correctly or do in wrong order?

It is a good occasion to check again your writing in Japanese. The basic writing knowledge is required.

Time : 10:00 -11:00       Phonetic Hirakana ( max. 10 persons ) 

            11:00 - 12:00   Chinese Character ( max.10 persons )

Leader : Shigemi (  contact : info@jcwa.eu ) in English or Japanese

You can participate in one or two ateliers, with free of charge.

If you are interested to this program, please reserve your place.

We send you the study materials in advance.

10:00 AM - 12:00 AM Op-Weule : Rue Saint Lambert 95, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
13 Oct
Hiro Hiro

Conversation Table

Want to talk with Japanese people? Come around the table with volunteers of Japanese native speakers.

We recommend that you already have basic conversation skills.


Free : free for participation, no need to reserve.

Room: Lokaal # 4


日本人ボランティアは常時募集中。毎月一度、日本語で楽しく異文化交流してみませんか? 驚くほど世界が広がりますよ!お気軽にお越しください。予約不要です。(担当:ひろ)

14:00 PM - 16:00 PM Op-Weule : Rue Saint Lambert 95, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
20 Oct
Minako Minako

Kamishibai at Japanese School (Marronniers Festival)

Kamishibai Group will perform in the annual Marronniers Festival at the Japanese School of Brussels.

to be confirmed - to be confirmed Japanese School of Brussels
23 Nov

Speech Contest

Nihonjinkai, the Japanese Association is organising their annual Japanese Speech Contest.

Our friends at the conversation table will participate and enjoy this challenge.

If someone wants to demonstrate a speech in advance, we are happy to listen to it and give a feedback and questions!

>>> Entry before 18 October (a recording must be sent until 25 October)


to be confirmed - to be confirmed Japanese School of Brussels

People and Japanese Culture

forever in our heart

Contact to WA

For any questions and suggestions, please write us.

Join our List !

Interested in meeting with Japanese people?

You are always welcome even if you don't know much about Japanese language. Set your level Zero.

If you are a native Japanese speaker, please select Native. Let't enjoy international cultural exchange!

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