嵐 Arashi (Laura)
Hot summer day/ majestic pine/ standing still 暑い夏、壮麗な松、真っ直ぐに立つ
むし暑い太った鯉たち集まる In a muggy day, fat carps gather together
龍の滝ゆっくり花が流れゆく A flower is flowing away in the Dragon waterfall
Eve Van Dyck
Fish in the water/ in the park we all are one/ burst of green colours 水中の魚、庭園の私たち すべてが一つに 緑弾ける
Amis du Japon/ canards merveilleux/ arbres tortueux 日本の友だち かわいいカモ 曲がりくねった木々
くろつくだKurotsukuda (由布子Yuko)
滝越えて残暑も涼し鯉泳ぐ Beyond the waterfall, late summer heat becoming cool, carps are swimming
灯籠の奥に映るは池の鯉 Carps in the pond through the Japanese lantern
ハッセルトで 明日の日本を思い出す Hasselt reminds me of Japan, tomorrow I’ll be back
Kleine Kabouter (Kevin)
Moon, sun, together/ Hasselt has birthed a sprout/ where cultures have met まるで月と太陽、異文化が出会うハッセルトに萌芽めばえた
松風が強い風でも栄えます Even though the wind blowing through pine trees is strong, still vitality
赤いなあ お水で泳ぐ池の鯉 O Red!Carps in the pond
空を飛ぶ可愛いとんぼさようなら Goodby, a dragonfly in the sky
はるか Haruka
目に眩し木漏れ日の中青紅葉 Dazzling sunlight filtering the maple green leaves
Basil & Emile
Mousse sous le pin/ le silence des carpes/ reflets sans fin 松樹下に苔 静かな鯉 彼方此方に水影
芳舟 Hoshu(ミナ子Minako)
枯山水緑の中で水しぶき Dry rock landscape, splash of water in the green
木もれ日に形あざやか青もみじ Vivid shapes in the sunlight filtering green maple leaves
牧寿司 Maki Zushi(萌Moe)
Een hapje kopen/ lunch na de regen eten/ geniet van hitte ハピヤ買い雨上がりの昼食べ漁る
雪紫 Yukimurasaki(ミナMina)
落つる滝命のいろを映しおり The waterfall reflects the colour of the life
ガイド嬢苔むす庭を愛でるなり Guiding lady admires the moss garden
くもり空何故か悲しき鯉の群れ Under the cloudy sky, feeling sad…? seeing a school of fish
よ Yo(容子Yoko)
目を閉じて故郷へ帰る鐘の音 Back home with closed eyes, hearing the gong
焼きそばと麦茶が沁みる夏の終わり Yakisoba and barley tea are so refreshing! Summer is ending
ユミリ Yumiry
水しぶき楓ゆらして涼を呼ぶ Splash of water, shaking maple twigs, makes feel cool